SPC Foundation

Help make a difference in the continuing unfolding of a great story.

Established in 1990, the Foundation aims to advance education at St Patrick’s College, enhancing the programs and facilities available to students.

As a separately managed non-profit organisation, the Foundation relies on short and long-term support from Old Collegians, parents and friends to support this growth and to finance scholarships and bursaries for families who may not otherwise be able to afford a Catholic secondary education for their son.

Support is encouraged through donations and bequests. The Foundation operates an approved deductible gift recipient (DGR) endorsed sub-fund; donations to the St Patrick’s College Scholarship Fund are tax deductible.

The Foundation’s long-term vision is to build a substantial capital base to continue to advance College programs and facilities, and fund impactful scholarships and bursaries for our students.

Make a donation

Explore opportunities to make a difference by contacting the Development Office.

Email the Development office via development@stpats.vic.edu.au.

Latest News

Chris Yeung Fund

Established in 2016, the Chris Yeung Fund aids families dealing with their father’s mental illness through financial support and awareness.

SPC Care

SPC Care supports students, families, staff, and Old Collegians during tough times like illness, accidents or unemployment.

Entries now open!

$10,000 Flanagan Art Prize (acquisitive)
$5,000 Panel Prize (non-acquisitive)
$1,000 People’s Choice Award (non-acquisitive)

Plus $2,000 worth of prizes for secondary school students.