
From enrolment enquiries to employment opportunities, we can’t wait to connect with you.

Front Reception is open Monday to Friday from 8.15am-4.45pm during school terms.


1431 Sturt St, Ballarat, Victoria, 3350
Locked Bag 31, Ballarat, Victoria, 3350



Key contacts

College Tours

Gain insight into our community and culture, helping you make an informed decision about your boy’s secondary education.


We welcome all enrolment enquiries and applications from families ready to embrace the faith-filled ethos of the College.

OCA Contacts

Keeping our Old Collegians connected with the College.

Keeping you connected

Update your details

Moved house, changed jobs or have a new phone number or email address? Update your contact details to ensure you don’t miss out on receiving important news and invitations from the OCA.

Share a story

Do you have a story you’d like to share with our community? We’d love to hear from you. Complete this form or email our Alumni and Foundation Officer at

Contact the College

The St Patrick’s College Alumni and Foundation Officer Lorrie Liston can be contacted on 5322 4450 or via email

OCA News

Keeping our Old Collegians connected and in the know with news and events.

Events and Reunions

Join us to reconnect, reminisce, and reignite the spirit of St Patrick’s College at our events and reunions.