Kevin Gerard Nolen (SPC 1971-73)

The world is much poorer following the loss of Old Collegian Kevin Gerard Nolen (SPC 1971-73) who has been remembered as a generous and kind community figure whose life was as colourful and vibrant as his beloved gardens and Christmas lights.

Kevin passed away, aged 69 years, on 29 October 2024 surrounded by his loving family at his Red Cliffs home.

Despite this, the Nolens’ Christmas lights display will go ahead this year in Kevin’s honour.

Kevin with his Christmas lit garden in Red Cliffs, back in 2007. Photo courtesy of Sunraysia Daily

His spectacular Christmas lights will be remembered by generations and were visited by hundreds of Sunraysia families over the years, walking through Kevin and wife Kathy’s captivating 1.5-acre garden, which was adorned with more than 100,000 Christmas lights.

In a tribute story in the Sunraysia Daily, Kathy fondly remembered her husband playing the role of Santa’s helper in the garden.

“He’d get home from work, put on a velvet suit and sit out there in the heat and hand out lollipops.

“He started the lights display very small and it kept growing and growing, it was all courtesy of him.”

Kevin and Kathy.

After surviving a “tombstone” heart attack eight years ago, and subsequent Parkinson’s diagnosis, his ailing health meant Kevin had been unable to physically contribute to his annual Christmas light display himself in more recent years, and Kathy and family members had stepped in to uphold the tradition, with Kevin’s supervision, of course.

Despite poor health, Kevin was delighted to be able to make it to his 50-Year Class of 1973 Reunion last year at the College, reconnecting with many old classmates.

Born in the “metropolis” of Manangatang on 12 May 1955, Kevin Gerard Nolen was the third of seven children to Kevin and Ida Nolen and grew up on the country farm.

Christmas on the farm was a special time.

“In the lounge we would twist streamers and put them up right around the room. On Christmas Eve we’d cut a Murray Pine and put it in the corner. We would all get one present. Manang used to have a big Christmas raffle and one year, we won! I remember the tin car that I got from it,” Kevin had told his family, which was remembered in the eulogy at his funeral.

Kevin commenced his formal schooling at Manangatang Consolidated School, then St Patrick’s Catholic School between Grade 3 to Year 10, before becoming a full-time boarder at St Patrick’s College for his final two years.

Kevin shared with his family that boarding school was a rough transition, feeling like he was the only kid from Manangatang and a world away from his childhood, however Kevin’s passion became rowing.

Kevin’s 1973 SPC Seconds rowing crew, including, from left, cox Stephen Byrne, Mark McCombe, Kevin Noilen, Neil Livingston and Phillip Younis. The crew was coached by Rick Blanchfield.

He won the tenths race in Form 5 at the Head of the Lake regatta at Lake Wendouree alongside John Gilliland, Tom Hanrahan, Geoff Baker and Jim Burzacott, racing to an early lead and holding off a challenge from College to win by half a length.

He was SPC Captain of the Second Four in Form 6, and alongside James Basham as Captain of Boats, the 1973 College Annual describing the pair as “a fine example to the younger rowers”.

“I was bumped back to the Seconds because I was ‘too heavy’. I might have even been Olympic material if it weren’t for the weight of ‘too many muscles’,” Kevin used to joke to his family.

Kevin also played for the First XVIII Football team in 1973 and won the College’s Football Most Improved award that year. He played in the Second XVIII in 1972 and won their best award that year. He was also a handy runner, winning in the 1972 100m & 200m relays.

Kevin himself described his experience in academics as a mix of challenges and triumphs, and he repeated Form 6 in 1973, as was a common practice in those days, to achieve the score he needed to receive a higher education.

Kevin had aimed to get into teachers’ college, but did not get high enough marks, so he completed a Diploma of Applied Science from Bendigo College of Advanced Education.

He moved to Mildura on New Year’s Eve 1979 and commenced employment in the Pathology Department at the Mildura Base Hospital.

He met his first wife Kim there and Kevin became a proud father to Glen Robert in 1984 and Bradley John in 1985.

Several months later he met Kathy and her five-year-old daughter Cassandra.

After mustering up the courage to ask Kathy out, the pair spent the next 38 years together, 36 of them married, having three more children together, Kevin, Alana and Andrew, and becoming a grandfather of 11.

On Father’s Day this year after long procedural delays, Kevin was able to formally adopt Cassandra, now 43.

Kevin was a popular figure throughout Sunraysia, known as a renowned and meticulous pathologist, and the enthusiastic co-owner of Nolen Gardens.

He was also an auctioneer and president at the Sunraysia Garden Club, was on the Mildura Harness Racing Club committee, part of Rotaract, a volunteer at the Mildura Show, and spent years on the school councils for both Irymple Primary School and Irymple Senior College. He was also auctioneer and entertainer for the Sunraysia Doll Teddy and Toy Club, and President of the Sunraysia Garden Club.

We send our deepest condolences to Kevin’s extended family and friends. Kevin’s funeral was held at the Chapel of North West Funerals in Mildura on 9 November. Rest in peace Kevin.

Kevin, pictured in Form 6, in 1973.
Kevin, pictured in his Form 6 class photograph, in 1972.


Kevin was a member of the First XVIII Football Team in 1973.


Kevin, who won the best award for the SPC Second XVIII team in 1971.

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