2021 Mental Health Care and Remote Learning

February 17, 2021

Mental Health Care and Remote Learning

You are not alone.

The St Patrick’s College Counselling Team would like you to know that our services are still being offered with access to online communication and counselling sessions for any student who needs support.

If students, or their parents/carers have any questions or wellbeing concerns, please contact us by email counsellingteam@stpats.vic.edu.au.

If you already access our counselling service and wish to communicate directly with your individual counsellor, our email addresses are as follows:

Eric Hayes – ehayes@stpats.vic.edu.au

Michelle (Chelle) Norton – mnorton@stpats.vic.edu.au

Jehan (Jay) Katrak – jkatrak@stpats.vic.edu.au

We are here for you.

Advice for our students during times of remote learning:

Try to Maintain a Routine Many teachers have made work available online, so set a timetable for yourself, which is similar to your usual school day.

Stay Connected – You have the ability to maintain contact with your peers now, more than ever before. Use social media to stay in touch. Set up video calls. Have online ‘parties’. Remember your personal interests and get creative.

Use this time to connect with family. Remember those board games in the back of the cupboard, dust them off and make it competitive and fun.

Stay Active- Although your sports might be cancelled, there are plenty of opportunities to stay active at home. Kick a footy in the backyard with your little brother, challenge dad to a game of backyard cricket, learn some new dance moves or subscribe to an online physical workout.

Be Mindful- Be aware of how the situation in the world is affecting you. Recognise any changes in your coping abilities and talk about them. Access school services, online services or your doctor or external mental health professionals if you feel you need additional support. Try some mindful activities and meditations using these links: https://www.smilingmind.com.au/  or https://www.calm.com/ .

Here are some additional resources for you to check out:






