Careers Update – April 27, 2016

April 27, 2016

Careers & Transition

Work experience:

Work Experience week is fast approaching- with many Year 10 boys submitting- forms since this term began.

I will accept paperwork for work experience and structured workplace learning up to June 1. Students have also been asked to provide me with safe@work certificates as part on the mandatory occupational health and safety requirements.

Morrisby Online career assessment:

Year 10 students completed a 2 hour online career guidance assessment last term.- Currently I have been interviewing- students- to review the process and their results and give to them a full hard copy report to take home and show- parents.

So far- homerooms 10A, 10B, 10C, 10D and 10E have been interviewed and reports sent home. We have arranged for Mr Barry Darnell, (Career Analyst) to address parents at an Morrisby Information Night on June 1. Invitations will be sent home this coming week.

SPC Careers Blog

For all careers information on events, news and expos goto:‹

Recent posts that- students and parents should be alerted to include: