Careers Update – February 21, 2019
February 20, 2019
Future Ready: A student focused National Career Education Strategy
Future Ready: A student focused National Career Education Strategy was developed in collaboration with a national group that brought together the voices of education, business and industry, parents and carers, career practitioners and youth. The strategy was endorsed by the COAG Education- Council in February 2019.
To prepare students for their future careers, Future Ready focuses on the importance of building the skills and general capabilities they will need in the workplace; strengthening school and employer collaboration; and developing students’ career management and navigation skills.
The vision of Future Ready is that every student in every school has access to high-‘quality career education to help them make a successful transition from school to further education, training, work or a combination of these.
The high-level style of the strategy is designed to allow flexibility in its use by the broadest range of stakeholders, including school systems, school leaders and teachers,- parents and communities,- industry and individual employers.
The strategy focuses on improving career education in schools by:
building teacher and school leader capability
supporting parents and carers in their important role in these conversations
encouraging collaboration between industry and schools.
To bring the strategy to life, a number of projects supported by the Australian Government have commenced in partnership with state and territory education departments, business and industry and career education groups. Projects include:
resources including good practice case studies that show innovative career education in practice and toolkits to support development of school and industry partnerships.
Further information about these projects and resources will be available on the website over the coming months.
Download the strategy:
Future Ready: A student focused National Career Education Strategy