
General News

Information Technology Update – May 1, 2015

Cybersmart Outreach Parent Presentation Just a reminder about the upcoming Cybersmart Outreach presentation for parents on June 1 at 7:00 pm in the Old Boys Pavilion. This will be presented by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). The Cybersmart Internet safety presentations cover topics including: ï‚· the ways children use the internet and emerging…


Boarding Report – May 1, 2015

I am often asked, by students, staff and parents, what is the attraction, or benefits, to a boarding education. My own experience would be something akin to that described in James Hilton’s -Goodbye, Mr Chips-, which, although much maligned in popular media and educational forums today, served to instil in me respect, independence and a…


Enrolment Report – May 1, 2015

College Open Mornings The College conducts tours for prospective students and their families throughout the year which is an ideal opportunity to see students and staff in action in a wide range of learning areas. Current parents are also most welcome to attend. Tours are conducted on Friday mornings from 9am. To book a place…


Mother’s Day Mass and Breakfast

Tickets remain available for the 2015 Mother’s Day Mass and Breakfast despite record interest in the incredibly popular event. Already more than 430 people have reserved their spot at what has become the most popular annual function on the St Patrick’s College calendar. This means that all available places in the OCA Pavilion and the…


Wellbeing report – May 1, 2015

Dear Parents, Friends and Students of St Patrick’s College, Uniform: The start of the new term saw the great majority of boys looking very smart in their winter uniform. Thank you to all the parents who went through the regular ritual of dragging out last year’s winter gear, discovering what still fitted or was in…


Headmaster Column – May 1, 2015

Dear friends,- I have to admit I felt very proud to be the Headmaster of St Patrick’s College last week! Last Saturday, on a very cold morning in Ballarat, I had the great pleasure of accompanying 40 boarders and staff to the ANZAC Dawn Service at the Arch of Victory. By all reports, there were…


SPC students feature at Anzac parade

St Patrick’s College had a strong and impressive presence at the City of Ballarat Anzac Day march and memorial service at the weekend. Members of the College Marching Band took centre stage by leading the march along Sturt St past the Cenotaph. The recognition of the crowd that was extended to our young men is…


Boarders raise money for cancer research

The Boarding Community is hosting a Biggest Morning Tea on Monday, May 25, 2015 to help raise vital funds for cancer research and support services. You can help us, and get involved, by attending or making a donation! Let’s raise our cups and together we’ll beat cancer. Click on the link –>


Junior and Middle Schools Lap of the Lake

Hundreds of St Patrick’s College students from Years 7, 8 and 9 tested their middle-to-long distance running skills today during the 2015 House Lap of the Lake event. Starting in Session 7, straight after lunch, the students made their way to the start line outside the St Patrick’s College Rowing Shed prepared to tackle the…


Term 1 reflections

Dear friends, I am writing my first article for -The Shamrock- after the completion of a very busy Term 1. As the new Headmaster of St Patrick’s College, I have been amazed at the number and variety of opportunities afforded to our boys. What has impressed me immediately is the passion our students have for…