College Chaplain Reflection – November 5, 2015

November 4, 2015

“If you are what you should be, then you will set the world on fire.” St Catherine of Sienna

Last year the College Mission Team were blessed to be able to offer a morning of prayer and discernment as an opportunity for students to reflect on what plans God might have for them in their lives.- Following on from the success of the day, we will again be hosting a Vocations Retreat on Saturday 28th November from 9:30am to 1:30pm. The morning will be a chance for participants- to hear the stories of others who have taken up God’s call in their lives. Students will meet some young priests and religious as well as some young men currently preparing for the priesthood. They- will also be invited to pray about what God might be calling them to do in their- lives. Perhaps this is something your son has already been considering seriously. Perhaps it is a question that has never even- occurred to him. Either way, all students who are open to the search are welcome to participate in the morning. This retreat will simply be a relaxed opportunity to explore options without any pressures or expectations.

Geoff Brodie, Director of Mission, together with myself and other- College staff from the Mission Team- will host the retreat. We will also be assisted by- some young priests, religious and seminarians. The venue will be Kennedy House at St Patrick’s College. The morning will conclude with a mass and a lunch provided by the College Mission team. Dress code will be neat casual. If you have any questions about the day or if you- believe your son may be interested, please don’t hesitate to contact myself ( or Geoff Brodie (53 224 326, Your son may also register his interested through the ERC.-

Even if your son may not be interested this time around, we would greatly appreciate your prayers; that this opportunity again be a profound experience of joy, hope and freedom for all who participate.