Director of Teaching and Learning

July 24, 2020

By Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Julia Petrov

Subject Selection

This year we have made some significant changes to the way we are delivering subject selection information for students in the Senior School in 2021. Pastoral Care teachers have teamed up with subject selection facilitators to present a program together. This new structure allows us to spend more time discussing the various options and pathways with students which helps each boy to make informed decisions about his subject selections for the following year.

Students are informed about how to:

– explore future study and employment options

– review their Morrisby Report

– record their proposed subject choices and their reserve choices

– apply to study a VCE, VET or SBAT for eligible students

– submit their proposed subjects using Web Preferences

– confirm their return intentions for 2021

In class students will work through tasks in their Subject Selection Guide which are linked to the relevant Subject Selection website.

Subject selection interviews are booked through PAM as usual but they are conducted online through MSTeams. Details and Instructions are sent out to parents of the relevant year levels involved.