Junior School Report

April 23, 2020

Junior School Crest Report – Week 2, Term 2, 2020

A warm hello to all and welcome back to Term 2. Firstly, I would like to thank and acknowledge Mr Gerry Willis, who took on the role of Director of Junior School, while I was on Long Service Leave (five weeks) at the end of Term 1. Gerry is a fine educator and a super organised professional who we all continue to learn from, thanks and well done Gerry.

A lot has changed in everyone’s lives since I last wrote a Junior School Crest Report! I was very keen to bet back to school, catch up with staff and students, teach my allotted classes and enjoy every aspect of life at the College. The reality is we all face a huge challenge over the coming months, a challenge that we all must embrace. Learning and teaching “online/remotely” from home is not something any of us could have envisaged but what has not surprised me is the willingness to learn and the patience that students, parents and staff have displayed. When challenged your true colours are revealed and I have witnessed many examples over the last two weeks where a student, staff member and parent have been tested, only to see a positive outcome result.

We will all come out of this better people and certainly will appreciate all aspects of normal life that we, at times, take for granted. So, cherish the time together at home as a family, read books, cook new meals, start a project in the yard, de-clutter your room, get creative with your time and of course embrace this new method of learning and teaching. We are all in this together and without your support as parents we cannot deliver online education to your son. So thank you for everything you have done thus far and will no doubt continue to do into the near future in regards to your son’s learning. Please do not hesitate to contact the College, be it a Pastoral Tutor, Subject Teacher, Year Level Co-ordinator, Director of School, Student Services, Business Manager or Deputy Principal with any questions or concerns you may have.

The ICT Department have been working extremely hard over the last month to ensure everybody is set up on Microsoft Teams. We are all learning more each day and no doubt the delivery of curriculum will improve as each week progresses.

New staff/students

 A big welcome to the following staff who have commenced this week at SPC and have classes in the Junior School.

Shane Armstrong – Maths

Brendan Dix – Technology

Brendan McCarthy – English

Carly Twaits – HaPE

We also welcome a new student in Hugh Jackson, who begins in 7C.

It can be daunting starting a new job/school at any time, let alone during COVID-19! Good luck and enjoy your time at SPC.


Mr Gavin Webb

 Director of Junior School