Junior School Report – June 22, 2017

June 21, 2017

This term in Year 7 Religious Education, students have completed a unit of study with the focus question, -How can we make a difference?- The unit has centred on how we as individuals and as a community can help bring about the Kingdom of God. Throughout the term, students have discovered more about the two main Catholic aid agencies, Caritas and the St Vincent de Paul Society. As part of the work undertaken, students were challenged to think of actions they can undertake in response to Jesus’ simple, but vital message to love your neighbor. Each class was tasked with the responsibility of putting together a care package for a family in need in our local community. Members of the class took on responsibility for providing a specific item for their class care package. It wasn’t long before the baskets in classrooms began filling up with non-perishable food items, blankets, toiletries and other essentials. The care packages were collected by representatives of the St Vincent de Paul Society for distribution within the Ballarat community. The Year 7 cohort and their families are to be commended for their generosity and commitment to taking care of those in need within our local community.