KRC Update

May 13, 2022

by Director of Library and Information Services, Ms Leonie Darken

The support of teaching and learning by the library is an ongoing process and as it should be, sometimes very seamless or unnoticed by those but the specific students and staff that use the resources for their very specific purposes.  Our physical space is very prominent and familiar to many.  Changes to the physical space are very visible whilst changes to our digital space are not.  Term 2 has begun with a flurry of activity for the KRC staff as we work to provide resources via our digital platform, LibGuides.  We are currently working on supporting the following:

English – Year 8 The Bone Sparrow, Year 7 Things a Map Won’t Show You, Year 9 The Outsiders, Year 11 Wilfred Owen

Humanities – Year 7 Ancient Rome, Year 8 The Spanish Conquest of the Americas, Year 9 World War 1

We continue to support our digital resources with our physical collection of books and as topics progress through the classroom environment we provide displays in the KRC of both Fiction and Non-Fiction books to match.  Below is a current display of books for Ancient Rome:

It is pleasing to see boys making connections to their classroom activities via the displays in the library.