Middle School Report – April 28, 2016

April 27, 2016

Another busy fortnight in the Middle School has seen the students and staff involved in many different activities both inside the classroom and outside.

Last Friday the entire Middle School cohort took part in the annual -‘Lap of the Lake’. All involved need to be congratulated for their efforts. Nearly everyone made it around the lake within the designated time and thankfully the weather allowed for a very enjoyable afternoon in the sun!

Assessments are fast approaching across all subjects, so I encourage students to be studying consistently at home and ensuring that all homework tasks are completed by the due date, to ensure the best possible preparation.

Please see below some important information outlining upcoming events and reminders relevant to the Middle School:

Year 9 Retreat

The Year 9 Retreat is currently underway with each Pastoral Group undertaking the program in coordination with their Religious Education teacher. Hopefully the students are able to extract some benefit from the workshops surrounding the topics -‘Sex, Relationships and Identity’.- A special thanks to Mr Michael Toohey and the Mission Team for their organization of the day, in particular the Parent Information session held on the evening of Thursday the 28th of April. It is hoped that a partnership between school and home will allow for further reinforcement of the key messages provided during the Retreat for the Middle School students.

Melbourne Experience Parent Information Session

Just a friendly reminder to all parents and guardians in regards to the upcoming Parent Information session for the Year 9 Melbourne Experience. The session will take place on the evening of Wednesday the 4th May from 7.30pm in the College Pavilion. All are welcome to attend, especially those with questions or concerns regarding the experience. Hopefully all fears will be put to rest well before the students embark on their time in Melbourne from the 14th to the 17th of June.


The Year 9 NAPLAN Testing will take place from Tuesday the 10th of May to Friday the 13th of May. The students will be tested on their Literacy and Numeracy and the results will provide valuable data in relation to teaching and learning. Further information will follow shortly, but in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact Ross Wise at the College if you have any questions or concerns.


I would like to take this opportunity to remind the students of the uniform and hair expectations of the College. Of late there has been an increase in Uniform Detentions issued for violations of uniform in particular and I urge all parents to support staff in ensuring the boys are complying with the standards expected.

Kindest regards,

Mr Ross Wise

Director of Middle School