Mission Report

October 31, 2019

by Director of Mission, Mr Geoff Brodie

November 1 is always All Saints Day in the liturgical calendar. On this day the Catholic community celebrates our identity as a “communion of saints”. Regarding this important solemnity, Pope Francis says that the “communion of saints” highlights the fact that there exists a communion of life between all who belong to Christ. This communion transcends all time and cultures.

“… In fact, the term “saint” refers to those who believe in the Lord Jesus and are incorporated to Him in the Church through Baptism,” the Pope said. “The Church, in its most profound truth, is a communion with God,” the Pope explained. “This relation between Jesus and the Father is the “matrix” of the bond between us Christians: if we are intimately inserted in this “matrix”, in this fiery furnace of love that is the Trinity, then we can become truly one heart and one soul, because the love of God purges our selfishness, our prejudices, our internal and external divisions.” (sourced from Zenit)

The celebration of the Eucharist is always the source and summit of our faith in God. In the poetic and transcendent language of the Mass for All Saints Day we unite our prayers with the saints and angels. For praising God is essential in fulfilling our deepest desires, so we pray:

For today by your gift we celebrate the festival of your city,

the heavenly Jerusalem, our mother,

where the great array of our brothers and sisters

already gives you eternal praise.

Towards her, we eagerly hasten, as pilgrims advancing by faith,

rejoicing in the glory bestowed upon those exalted members of the Church

through whom you give us, in our frailty, both strength and good example.

And so, we glorify you with the multitude of Saints and Angels,

as with one voice of praise we acclaim:


Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.

Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.

The Gospel for All Saints Day is the Beatitudes of Matthew. The Beatitudes offer Christ’s vision of society in a timely point of inspiration for us as the year gathers its annual momentum: a flurry of activity that can often distract us in our desire to live truly worthwhile lives in every encounter.

This is what Jesus taught them:

‘How happy are the poor in spirit:

theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Happy the gentle:

they shall have the earth for their heritage.

Happy those who mourn:

they shall be comforted.

Happy those who hunger and thirst for what is right:

they shall be satisfied.

Happy the merciful:

they shall have mercy shown them.

Happy the pure in heart:

they shall see God.

Happy the peacemakers:

they shall be called sons of God.

Happy those who are persecuted in the cause of right:

theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

‘Happy are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.’

May the communion of St Patrick’s College always grow in the unity of this beautiful and challenging vision.