SPC to celebrate Edmund Rice Day in style – donations now online

April 30, 2021

by Deputy Principal, Mrs Elizabeth Ryan

What? It’s Changed? I can’t believe it’s gone electronic.

Yes this Edmund Rice Day all sponsorship donations for the walkathon can only be made online via this link www.trybooking.com/au/donate/spcedmundriceday

Students are still encouraged to seek as much sponsorship as possible with prizes going to the student who raises the most money per cohort along with the Pastoral Care Group which raises the most money.  All funds go directly to EREA Camps for the underprivileged, EREA – Tutoring (St Alban’s) and Caritas.   Please support this initiative generously.  As I said in my letter to all families earlier this week, I expect ALL students to attend on Edmund Rice Day.  This event is NOT an optional extra.  Without doubt, some boys will be pressuring their parents to allow them to stay home.  Do Not Give In.

The most common lines by the boys are:

  • It’s not compulsory
  • It’s too cold
  • I need to get ahead and catch up on study
  • Prepare for a SAC or work on my folio
  • That it’s boring and there’s nothing in it for them

All very plausible arguments as to why they should have the day off at home and you should cover for them.  Stay firm!  Edmund Rice Day is not about them.  It is one of the few days when we call upon our teenagers to think about and serve the other.  Aside from that, it is a fun day which despite resistance most boys will enjoy.