Teaching and Learning Report – August 25, 2016

August 24, 2016

Current Year 8 students attended the student information session for 2017 Year 9 this week. While at this session, the boys received a copy of the 2017 Year 9 Information Booklet and the 2017 Year 9 Subject Selection Guide. The Information Booklet provides an overview of the Middle School program and includes descriptions of the core and elective subjects being offered in Year 9 at St Patrick’s College in 2016. The Selection Guide goes through subject selection process step-by-step.

Electronic copies of the documents distributed during this session, including the PowerPoint presentation can be accessed via the St Patrick’s College using the following link: https://www.stpats.vic.edu.au/en/students-parents-staff/curriculum/subject-selection/

Students are required to submit their 2017 Year 9 course of study and program details using Web Preferences (the online subject submission portal). Students have been emailed a link to Web Preferences, along with detailed instructions. Parents will also be sent a similar details explaining the submission procedure.

Please note: A parent and student signed copy of the 2017 Web Preferences Preference Receipt is to be submitted with the Subject Selection Guide.

The Web Preferences and 2017 Year 9 Subject Selection Guide are due no later than Friday, September 2.

Should you have any concerns regarding your son’s options for 2016 Year 9 please do not hesitate to contact the College and speak to Mr Michael Busscher (Director of Middle School), any relevant Year 8 subject teachers or myself.

National Assessment Program -“ Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) Report

Parents of Year 7 and Year 9 boys were mailed their son’s 2016 National Assessment Program -“ Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) report this week. The NAPLAN is designed to show parents how well their son is progressing in relation to what is expected in the key areas of reading, writing, language convention and mathematics for his year level, and how he is progressing in relation to expected statewide and national levels of achievement for these areas.

Parents of Year 7 and Year 9 boys are asked to contact their son’s English and/or Mathematics teacher, or myself, regarding any questions or concerns they might have in relation to the information contained in the NAPLAN report.