Wellbeing Report – March 9, 2017

March 8, 2017

St Patrick’s Day Green Tie Fundraiser – Exodus community

This year the Year 12 Student Council have decided to raise funds for the local organisation, West Wendouree Exodus Community.

This a local organisation that our students have visited as part of our Social Justice experiences. It provides valuable assistance to the local community and reaches out to those who are more marginalised in our society. On St Patrick’s Day this year all staff and students have an opportunity to purchase a $10 green tie. All profits will go directly to the worthy Exodus community. Supporting the work of Exodus is one way we can respond to God’s calling of our community to reach out to those less fortunate, living out our EREA Touchstones of Justice and Solidarity and Inclusiveness.

The Exodus Community focus upon;

  • Breaking the cycle of poverty, inequity and social injustice for disadvantaged people in Wendouree West;

  • Enhancing people’s wellbeing and promoting social inclusion through reengagement in the community;

  • Building the capacity of the Ballarat community to enhance the lives of those who are disadvantaged and vulnerable.

  • Working closely with other community organizations with a view to providing the help that the community of Wendouree West requires.

Please encourage your sons to purchase a green tie that they will wear on St Patrick’s Day.

St Patrick’s Day Mass and Assembly

Parents are warmly invited to attend the St Patrick’s Day Celebration of Mass and the short assembly that follows, presenting badges to all Year 12 students, staff and a speech by our School Captain, Mitch Tuddenham.

The Mass begins at 11 am.

Take Care

God Bless

Mr Gerard Sullivan-

Deputy Headmaster – Wellbeing