Wellbeing Report – November 19, 2015

November 18, 2015

Speech Night

Thank you to the parents and boys who supported the event, and a particular thanks to those staff who organised and ran the evening, including preparing the boys to ensure it was a fitting way to mark their achievements in 2015. A community that celebrates the achievements of its members is a strong community -“ and a strong community helps lift every one of its members to greater heights. Speech Night is our major annual celebration of achievement at St Patrick’s College, covering the academic, religious, cultural and sporting domains of student life and showcasing a range of student musical and dramatic talents. Thank you to all who attended, to all the staff who contributed to the organisation and running of the evening, and in particular to Mr Damian Kinnersly for planning and coordinating a very successful event. The time and effort given to the evening is a sign of the importance we place on the achievements of our students.

Remembrance Day

Last Tuesday we paused as a school to mark Remembrance Day, to remember, honour and pray for those who have died in war in the service of Australia and other Commonwealth countries. I would like to thank Mr Kieran Baxter for his role as guest speaker. His address was well received by staff and students many of whom were struck by the significant loss of life and how young many of the men and women were who fought in the Great War. I also thank Mr John Richards for undertaking the role of Masters of Ceremonies in my absence.

Casual Clothes Day -“ White Ribbon Appeal

On Monday 23 November students will have the opportunity to wear casual clothes in an effort to raise awareness and funds for the White Ribbon Foundation.

White Ribbon recognises the positive role men play in preventing violence against women and drives male leadership and engagement in violence prevention. This is based on the understanding that most men are not violent.

The White Ribbon campaign runs year-long, culminating on White Ribbon Day, 25 November. Throughout the year and particularly in November, White Ribbon events are being held across Australia to raise awareness of and educate about men’s violence against women.- – The events raise critical funds for the prevention work White Ribbon does in schools, workplaces and across the community. As a College we will support this important event by hosting the White Ribbon Foundation Breakfast launch next Wednesday. Members of staff along with representation from the Student Council will be present at the event.

Students are asked to support the White Ribbon Foundation by wearing something white and making a gold coin donation on the day. The Student Council will also hold a sausage sizzle on the day in an effort to raise funds for this very worthwhile cause.

Students are reminded to wear appropriate clothing on the day. The College expects that on such days the standard of dress is equivalent to that of the uniform and not such that it draws particular attention to a student.- Thongs, ugg boots, dirty/ripped jeans, and shirts with offensive motifs are not acceptable. Thank you for your support with this matter.

Best wishes for the week ahead.

Kind regards

Jon Franzin

Deputy Headmaster -“ Wellbeing