Wellbeing Report – October 8, 2015

October 7, 2015

Our Year 12 students will effectively finish 13 years of schooling in less than two weeks, as formal lessons end in preparation for final examinations and graduation. The school community will have an opportunity to farewell these students accordingly at the Year 12 Thanksgiving Mass on Wednesday October 21. This will be followed by exams and Speech Night (November 18) and Valedictory Dinner (November 20). I strongly encourage a focused attitude so students can both finish off their education successfully and get the most out of this important transition in their lives.

The end for Year 12 means that Year 11 students will effectively be the senior students at the college. Year 11 students need to make a mental adjustment to start thinking and acting as the senior year level-” as the academic demands and community expectations begin now, not at the beginning of next year. In a few weeks’ time, after their final exams, they will have a week of Year 12 Orientation lessons (Year 12 Headstart Week November 16 -“ 24), commencing next year’s courses this term. They need to make the most of this.

Parent/Teacher interviews (Years 7-9) this week provided the last organised opportunity this year for parents to meet with teachers to discuss their son’s progress. For most students there is still quite a bit more to be achieved in their studies before the year ends, so it is important they don’t go into holiday mode simply because the Year 12 students are finishing soon. Communication between parents and teachers to enable a joint response to boys’ learning needs has a proven impact on increasing student success at school and wherever possible and appropriate we encourage this to take place.


Next Tuesday 13 October (10.15am -“ 10.50am) we have an opportunity to thank the Student Council and Student Congress supported by the College Captains for their outstanding work and contribution to College life in 2015. It is also a time to announce and public acknowledge the incoming College Captains, Student Council and Congress for 2016. The process undertaken to determine the leadership positions was a rigorous one with input from all staff and students as well as an interview process for the position of College Captain. What was overwhelmingly evident throughout the process is that we are very blessed to have such fine young men willing and open to the possibility to further enhance their leadership skills and potential. I am confident that the newly elected leaders for 2016 will do themselves and the College proud and continue the fine tradition of leadership at St Patrick’s College.


Many thanks to those Mothers who have registered for the upcoming inaugural Mother and Son evening which will be held on Tuesday October 27 commencing at 7pm in the O’Malley Gymnasium. Details about registration are contained in- this link– and I would encourage all Mothers of boys in Year 7 to be involved.

Please contact Ms Kerrie Leach -“ Administrative Officer Leadership at the College should you have any further questions or need assistance with registration.

Community- Notices

Please click- on this link– to view a flyer from Federation University Community Psychology Services regarding a six week parenting program for parents of teenagers titled ‘Tuning into Teens’.

If you are ex navy, army or air force then please click- on this link– to see how Carry on Victoria can assist your family.

Best wishes for the week ahead.

Kind regards

Jon Franzin

Deputy Headmaster -“ Wellbeing