SPC PY1974 annual get-together held recently

On Sunday 10 November 2024, 14 SPC PY1974 guys and five partners attended our annual get together at the Red Lion Hotel Sports Bar.

This year being our 50th Year Reunion since finishing at SPC became even more pertinent as well as celebrating the end of the year and a pre-Christmas celebrations. Again, as always happens at these get togethers we all reminisced about our school days at SPC and what we have achieved since; both professionally and personally. Many of us now are either retired or semi- retired – as we are ageing.

Those who attended our get together at the Red Lion Hotel were – Michael Sargeant and Sue, Michael Caligari, Mark Bromley, Paul Armstrong and Heather, Mark Jolly, Michael Zala, John Stewart, Neil Currie, Peter Todd, Michael Coutts and Debbie, Tim Fithall, John Perkins and Annie, Peter Caelli and Chris and Shane Pianta.

It was a pleasant surprise to us all to see Toddy again and as we know him, in great spirit and laughter; as he was unable to attend our 50th Year Reunion at SPC earlier in the year.

The Red Lion Hotel provided excellent finger food for the afternoon. We would like to thank the Red Lion Hotel for letting us hold the get together there again.

Nearing the closure of our celebrations, it was discussed and put forward that our next get together may be held in Melbourne at the Emerald Hotel in South Melbourne 2025.

With this in mind it is now proposed that we hold our next get together on Friday, 7 March 2025 at the Emerald Hotel, South Melbourne as part of the normal OCA gathering at this venue on the first Friday of each new season. It will give us all an opportunity to mix with other OCA guys and the weather hopefully will be fine and enjoying daylight saving still. It is up to each PY1974 guy to inform the organisers of your intention to attend the luncheon. The PY1974 guys (and any others) will continue the gathering beyond the lunch.

If you have any concerns, queries or questions please contact Shane Pianta on email s.pianta57@gmail.com

 – Thanks to Shane Pianta for this story


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