Strong SPC links feature in recent Legacy junior awards

Allan McKinnon.

We were delighted to host the national final of the Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award at St Patrick’s College’s Performing Arts Centre recently.

Allan, pictured left, during the final presentation.

It was extremely fitting, given the close links which exist between Legacy and St Patrick’s College. Old Collegian and immediate past president of the Old Collegians’ Association Allan McKinnon (SPC 1966-69) was State Coordinator of the event.

Legacy was co-founded 101 years ago by another fellow Old Collegian, Frank Doolan, who attended SPC in 1908.

Frank was a former boarder and an ANZAC who served in the Engineers. He was a surveyor by profession and was instrumental after WWI in helping in the design of the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne.

Legacy has provided over a century of service, to thousands of veterans’ widows and children and has also assisted with support of veterans’ families in later years whereby the veteran was incapable of adequately caring for his family due to physical or mental health issues.

The Legacy Junior Public Speaking Awards is a national competition conducted through secondary schools and colleges in most parts of Australia. It seeks to contribute to the personal development of 12-14 year-olds by encouraging the best use of spoken English.

The aim of the award is to enhance students’ oral communication skills and to help people appreciate the ideals of Legacy which are – voluntary service, caring and comradeship and the need for remembrance.

This year, six students participated in the national final at SPC’s new Performing Arts Centre, including two representatives from Tasmania, two from South Australia and two from Victoria. NSW did not participate but it is hoped they will be back again next year.

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