Mission Report – August 9, 2019

August 7, 2019

In a busy, busy year-¦ there was a busy, busy semester.

In a busy, busy semester-¦ there was a busy, busy term.

In a busy, busy term-¦ there was a busy, busy week.

In a busy, busy week-¦ there was a busy, busy day.

And on that busy, busy day-¦ there was a Mass.

And that Mass have praise to God for all the gifts bestowed on the St Patrick’s College Community. Celebrating St Mary of the Cross and the upcoming Feast of the Assumption, we gave thanks for the countless gifts that the women in the community offer every day, in so many ways. We have come far from the days when all staff were male religious, through the time when a few lay male staff were employed, to today where over half the staff are women. The Universal Prayers from our Mass are offered for your prayerful reflection.

That the Church, inspired by the example of St. Mary of the Cross may continue to reach out to those in need. May we recognise the dignity of every person, from conception to natural death.

That our faith community of St Patrick’s College may be inspired by the example of St. Mary of the Cross to be extraordinary in the ordinary things we do. Let us bring joy and justice to those we encounter.

Just as St. Mary of the Cross suffered many difficulties throughout her life, may we be blessed with patience, humility and the grace to persevere through our own struggles. We pray especially for our rural communities.

For those in our community that are suffering, sick or in need. May the healing power of Christ be with them. Let our Touchstone of Inclusive Community lead us to meet them where they are.

For those who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus. May the world recognise the power of love and the dignity of religious freedom.- –

Inspired by the life and example of St. Mary of the Cross, may our own needs be met through trust in the Gospel of Jesus, our hope for a liberating education, and our work for justice and solidarity.