Mission Report – July 27, 2018

July 25, 2018

125 years is a long time to be a school in Ballarat. It is something worthy of celebration and certainly worth reflecting upon. This year has offered several opportunities to consider the achievements of our past, our joy in the present and the hope we have for our future. I would like to make this week’s submission another opportunity to reflect upon St Patrick’s College: A Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition.- –

As a school, we hold moments of education as sacred and the source of our life and history. A school, after all, is all about education. However, how often do we reflect on what constitutes these moments of education? May I make a few suggestions?

The relationship between three key elements constitute a school: a curriculum, a student and a teacher.

  • A curriculum is a statement of the wisdom of the community that we believe is important enough to offer the next generation. A curriculum is a statement of the commitments that together offer a vision of the good and beautiful life we wish for our children.

  • A teacher is the person who freely assents to these commitments expressed in the curriculum, and offers them in a clear and persuasive way to the next generation.

  • A student is the young person who shall one day take responsibility for the heritage of the community.

The moment of education occurs when the commitments of the curriculum, teacher and student unite, so that we are filled with the love and courage worthy of our God-given human dignity.

This view of education has one unique historical source. In Jesus, God has revealed -‘the way, the truth and the life’ that is both our gift and our responsibility. – His death and resurrection revealed the solution to the problem of evil, so that no matter what challenges may fall across our path they are conquered by a love that knows no bounds. The person, life, death and resurrection of Jesus have revealed that the love of God and neighbour is the commitment that brings us life to the full. This is the foundation of all that we offer and do at St Patrick’s College.- –

Friendship with Jesus is the commitment that creates and sustains a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition.

Friendship with Jesus is the grace found in every moment of education that unites us in truth, goodness and love. All our curriculum and extra-curriculum opportunities are invitations into truth, goodness and love.- –

Friendship with Jesus is the truth that has been constant in the 125 years of St Patrick’s College.