Wellbeing Report – August 31, 2017

August 30, 2017

Keeping Safe: Information for- Parents

As part of St Patrick’s College mission to create a safe and secure learning environment for our students, it is crucial that our broader community of parents are well-informed with the latest information and research available, so we can work as partners to keep our students safe.- This week’s focus is to outline the first unit of work within this curriculum, -‘The right to be safe’.

For junior and middle school students, this component of the curriculum acknowledges the developmental stage of adolescents.- Students need a curriculum that is challenging and interactive in which they are able to extend, analyse and reflect upon their knowledge and values. Students explore the concepts safety and risk-taking.- During this topic, students learn about the notion of feeling safe, risk-taking and dealing with risk and developing resilience.- The second topic within this unit is warning signs and emergencies.- Students learn about warning signs in unsafe situations, planning for and dealing with emergencies, as well as using mindfulness as a relaxation technique.-

For senior students, this component of the curriculum focuses on the range of situations that young people may encounter varying degrees of safety, such as being employed in part time work and in the online or virtual world.- Within this unit, students review warning signs, assess risks and examine psychological pressure and manipulation which may occur in the form of scams, media and other high risk situations.

I would encourage you to maintain an open dialogue with your sons regarding their ability to assess risk and make well informed decisions, especially as they get older, and their exposure to risk increases with driving cars, working part time and negotiating an ever-changing online world.

Whole Year Level Programs -“ Semester two

Please take note of the following date:

  • Monday 27th– November -“ The Resilience Project -“ All Year 10 students

For more information on our Pastoral Care program, please visit:


I would encourage all students and parents to fully engage and participate in all of our wellbeing programs on offer, as they are an integral element of our broader mission to educate the whole person.

Kind regards,

Bradley Murray

Pastoral Care Coordinator

From the Wellbeing Team: Technology at Home

Many of our boys (and even us!) get into the trap of overusing technology of an evening, but what are the true effects?

Ability to fall asleep:

  • Blue wavelength light, which is produced by the daytime sky, is also emitted by our smartphones and tablets. This encourages our brains to release the neurotransmitters required to energise us for the day. This is not ideal when we are just about to go to bed. Apple products have a -‘Night Shift’ function. Please be sure to use this function as the sun sets outside.

  • The activities people are engaging in on their devices can be overly stimulating for our brain in the lead up to bed. Take notice of how much information you brain is required to take in whilst playing a game or scrolling through a news feed.

  • People are becoming increasingly more absorbed in the conversations they are having and games they are playing online. This is causing them to lose track of time and engage with technology, way past their usual bedtime. Set time limits for the use of technology in your house. Once homework is done- devices away! Attempt for an hour of device-free time before bed.

Positive applications:

  • Sleep tracker -“ we can utilise apps to assist us to track our sleep and with this knowledge, we can make more informed choices about our sleep routines.

  • Relaxation/mindfulness apps -“ apps such as Smiling Mind are highly recommended to assist in clearing the mind and preparing for sleep.

  • Music -“ relaxing music can be very beneficial in aiding relaxation

But I set the alarm on my phone! A good, old fashioned alarm clock will set you back about $15- turn off your phone, try the alarm clock and see if your sleep habits improve.

Working on our sleep habits can improve our mood, physical health and ability to learn and consolidate new knowledge.

Sweet Dreams.

Rebecca, Eric and Gerard- Wellbeing Team