Virtual Tour

Above: A view from inside the College Chapel.

Above: A view of the famous front gardens of St Patrick’s College.

Above: A view of the reflective garden and monument to victims and survivors of child sexual abuse, located at the front of the College.

Above: A view showing the interior of one of the new boarders’ bedrooms, currently under construction.

Above: A view inside the Old Collegians Association Pavilion as it was set up for the 2017 Flanagan Art Exhibition.

Above: An inside look at the St Patrick’s College VET Construction and Engineering Classroom.

Above: An inside view of a St Patrick’s College Science Laboratory.

Above: An inside view of the College library, known as the Kelty Resource Centre.


Above: Another view inside the library.

Above: An inside look at the Band Room.

Above: An inside look at the Boarders’ Dining Room.

Above: Inside view of the College Shop – the best place for all your uniform needs.

Above: A look inside the College’s brand new Junior School Food Technology Classroom.

Above: A look inside the Br W. T. O’Malley Sports Centre as it is being set up for a full school assembly.

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