Middle School Report – September 10, 2015

September 9, 2015

With Term Three concluding next week, I once again congratulate all boys on the manner in which they have embraced Year 9 and the Rite Journey Program. I also encourage the boys to take responsibility in regard to the following:

Revision and School Holidays

Revision is a key step in learning. Revision works best if it is done when it’s easy not when it’s tough. A little time spent over the term break organising and updating study cards or revision notes, and reviewing the terms work relevant to semester two exams, is an excellent way to begin term four.

Remember that, revision needs to be carried out:

  • At the end of the day
  • On the weekend, then
  • At the end of term

Holiday suggestions and ideas:

  • At the beginning of the holidays have your bag, books, new workbooks and school uniform prepared and ready for term four.
  • Over the term break make sure you finish any work required for next term.
  • Choose a task, project or something you have always wanted to do, and enjoy working on that instead of watching TV, or just -‘hanging around’.
  • Make the decision to come back to school ready to begin an excellent term, relaxed and ready for another challenge.
  • Remember to do a fitness session every day in preparation for our term four Grampian’s experience.