Is VCAL Rigorous?

Yes, VCAL rigorous

VCAL is moderated by a Government Quality Assurance system to ensure that rigour is maintained. All schools and organisations who offer VCAL undergo yearly quality assurance.

The benefit for students is that the hard work is tailored towards their particular interests. Tasks are developed which cater to the needs of hands-on learners, and are as practical as possible. This often makes learning more enjoyable. Assessments are completed in class to enable the teachers to authenticate students’ work therefore, home study time can be utilised to meet other work and training commitments.

There are three levels in VCAL:

  • Foundation
  • Intermediate
  • and Senior

At St Patrick’s College we typically offer Foundation at Year 10, Intermediate at Year 11 and Senior at Year 12. Outcomes are assessed at the level appropriate to the student. Because each student is an individual, with different learning needs, and VCAL is a flexible qualification, some students may need to spend more time completing some VCAL Levels. Completion of outcomes is required, however students may negotiate with teachers how outcomes will be met, with their particular interests in mind.

There are some requirements, such as attendance, a professional appearance, safe behaviours and an established pattern of completing work tasks that in line with the expectations of potential employers and are therefore essential.

Where can the VCAL take me?

Employability is the focus of VCAL.

Like every other program at St Patrick’s College, VCAL is delivered with high expectations and boys who are selected for entry into the course must be able to demonstrate commitment to their hands-on learning. This is the first evidence of employability. Most boys who complete their VCAL will be applying for apprenticeships and traineeships, with a few going straight into employment. At St Patrick’s College, the VCAL will provide these learners with a recognised, nationally accredited qualification.